Independent Living

We want you to feel better and secure in the comfort of your own home. We specialise in supporting people with daily living tasks, assisting people to live their lives as independently as they possibly can. 

We believe vulnerable people should be adequately supported to thrive, protected against the risk and restrictions, not adversely affecting their daily living. With appropriate support and risk management, people can achieve a greater independence and live richer, happier independent lives.

A person with learning disabilities or an elderly frail person may need more help and support with everyday mundane tasks. However, having more independence does not mean that people must live independently of support or care; we believe that people should receive the right support for the choices that they make in their lives. People requiring independent living assistance should have just as much right as others to make the choices on where and how they live, the people they live with, and the things they wish to partake in. Independent living is about having control and choice to the right care and support, to help go about daily life.

A person with learning disabilities may need that little extra support to find appropriate transport so that they can go shopping or attend appointments. Someone else may require support aids to help them communicate more effectively. Our support is designed around your specific needs and will always be provided in a way that best suits you and assists you to have much more choice and control over daily life, allowing you to do all the things you want to do and enjoy.

We have found that greater choice and involvement in decision making with regards to independent living leads to increase access to community facilities. Our services support extends to include more choice in provisions such as transport, mobility, employment, healthcare, education and training. We feel our approach helps people with learning disabilities to have increased involvement in their community; we believe people should enjoy as much inclusion as anyone else in their local communities.

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